The Hellbender 13 : Our Guiding Principles

List of aims & principles here.




-Fear/ creating safe spaces / diversity (gender, race, age)


-Education/ curiosity

-Giving story and song to facts, translating science through art


-Embodiment/defamiliarization: Because, for one thing, the division between what is nature and what is not is false. Every human being is, by definition, an animal. Yes, an animal that needs water and air and plant matter to survive. Writing poems from the human body and with the human senses is, in this most basic sense, an act of nature writing.

-Accessibility/affordability. We also acknowledge that poetry has, for too long now, been dominated by a canon that portrays wilderness as an ideal and untouched, an elite paradise enjoyed only by a few that could afford its seclusions and pleasures. This mode of the pastoral has been traditionally both patriarchial and colonial, which effectively shut out many deeply important voices. This is unacceptable to us, and as such, we reject the binaries and limitations of these categories. We are here to open gates, not guard them.

-Decentering anthropocentrism/ acknowledging sentience of non-human kin

-Humility. Each of us is only one person.

-The American South/ Appalachia / Sense of place